Memory loss is a concern for people of all ages, but the concern grows as they age. There are two main types of memory loss, which are short term and long term. Both are hard to deal with, but short term memory loss can interfere with how people live every day. Understanding the cause is an essential part of protecting people from it.

What Is Short Term Memory Loss?

A woman thinks during short term memory loss therapyAs the name suggests, short term memory issues make it hard for people to remember recent events. They might have no problem recalling information from 20 years ago. However, they find it hard to recall what happened 20 minutes ago.

No exact time frame separates short and long term memory loss. In general, losing short term memory includes periods of time between a few seconds up to a few days. It’s also more common than long term memory loss because the brain recalls short term memories less frequently.

In fact, short term memory stores around five to nine memories at a time, according to Rutgers University’s Memory Loss & the Brain. As new information comes into the brain, it can bump out other items in short term memory.

On the other hand, long term memory stores information for a much more extended period. Personal memories are a good example. Of course, some short term memories can turn into long term memories.

For instance, when people first learn a name, it goes into short term storage. If they never meet that person again, they might forget the name. However, seeing the person on a regular basis puts that name in long term memory. That’s why students can often recall the names of their teachers even when they haven’t been in class for years.

Problems That Can Make People Lose Short Term Memory

Many problems can cause short term memory loss. One common culprit is aging. As people grow old, their ability to store and recall short term information weakens. However, age isn’t the only factor that affects memory.

Short term memory loss therapy addresses the medications that people take. Certain drugs can cause short term memory loss. When this is the case, the goal is to find alternative treatments that help them but don’t affect their memory.

Sometimes, a poor diet can affect short term memory loss. Having a deficiency in vitamins A and B12 can affect memory too. In such situations, the goal is to reintroduce these vitamins into the body.

Likewise, brain diseases or other disorders can affect memory. Short term memory loss therapy can address these conditions. In these cases, people typically need additional forms of therapy to deal with the underlying issues.

PACE Mental Health Houston Can Help You With Memory Loss Problems

At PACE Mental Health Houston, we help people like you deal with many disorders. As a mental health clinic Houston residents trust, we help people who suffer from short and long term memory loss. During our evaluation process, we identify problems that might contribute to your condition. Then, we create an effective plan to reverse or limit memory loss.

PACE Mental Health Houston programs go far beyond just helping those who suffer from memory loss. We offer numerous programs and therapies that help people with addiction and other mental health issues. Some of these services include:

Don’t struggle with memory loss alone. Reach out to PACE Mental Health Houston today for short term memory loss therapy. Call *DM_DirectNumber format=period link=true* to speak to one of our friendly staff members.