Many children, especially those in the early toddler or adolescent years, defy authority frequently. It’s normal behavior as they learn about boundaries and rules. However, these phases aren’t supposed to last forever. When they continue longer than six months or are excessive in nature, children might suffer from oppositional defiant disorder.

What Is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

A man talks to a counselor during Houston oppositional defiant disorder therapy about his ODD therapy planOppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a type of behavioral disorder. Children who suffer from ODD tend to exhibit ongoing or regular patterns of irritable or angry behavior. They typically show this kind of behavior toward people who have authority. Examples include parents, teachers, and law enforcement.

When children suffer from ODD, they tend to affect those around them. For example, this type of behavior can have a negative impact on other children at school. It may interfere with family activities as well. This kind of disruption makes finding ODD therapy critical.

Another reason why Houston oppositional defiant disorder therapy is essential is that ODD can lead to other disorders. If kids with ODD don’t receive help, it can transform into a more severe problem such as a conduct disorder.

ODD and Other Behavioral Problems

It’s not uncommon for kids who need ODD therapy to suffer from other behavioral problems. Teens and kids who struggle with ODD might also suffer from learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, or mood disorders. One of the most common mood disorders is depression. Others could suffer from issues such as clinical anxiety.

Symptoms of ODD

Before parents can seek oppositional defiant disorder therapy, they have to know that their children have a problem. Thankfully, parents can look for some ODD symptoms to tell. Keep in mind, however, that just because kids show signs of these symptoms doesn’t mean that they have ODD. Only a trained oppositional defiant disorder therapist can diagnose the condition.

Signs that a child might need Houston oppositional defiant disorder therapy include:

  • Throwing tantrums repeatedly
  • Arguing with adults regularly, especially adults with authority
  • Refusing to follow or comply with rules or requests
  • Saying hurtful or mean things just to upset others
  • Seeking revenge or being spiteful
  • Blaming other people for their mistakes
  • Trying to annoy others

Kids who need oppositional defiant disorder therapy show signs of these problems frequently. Nearly all kids experience some of these symptoms at some point in their lives. Parents need to worry when they notice these signs often or for long periods of time.

How to Help Kids Overcome ODD

Unfortunately, ODD doesn’t go away overnight. Kids generally need ongoing ODD therapy. The sooner that they get help, however, the more impactful that the therapy becomes. One of the most common options is psychotherapy.

This form of counseling aims to help kids develop coping skills. It also helps them develop problem-solving skills. One example that works for oppositional defiant disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy. The goal is to help them replace negative thoughts with positive ones to change negative behaviors.

PACE Mental Health Houston Is Here to Help Your Teen or Child

At PACE Mental Health Houston, we understand the importance of oppositional defiant disorder therapy. We also know that the sooner that kids get help, the better chance that they have of living normal lives. That’s why we’re proud to offer Houston oppositional defiant disorder therapy for kids and teens.

PACE Mental Health Houston doesn’t just help kids and teens overcome ODD. We also help people with mental health problems such as conduct disorders. We strive to give back to our community and offer affordable mental health care. Some of the programs that we provide include the following:

Don’t let this disorder allow a rift to form between you and your child. Learn more about oppositional defiant disorder at PACE Mental Health Houston. Reach out to us for help at *DM_DirectNumber format=period link=true*.