Group therapy session at a mental health and wellness clinic in Houston TX

Mental Health and Wellness Clinic in Houston TX

When people have mental health issues, they often feel like they’re alone. However, mental health problems are fairly common in the United States. Although it seems like finding help is impossible, numerous facilities offer treatment. In fact, a mental health and wellness clinic in Houston TX is a great place to start. Mental Health Problems…

a woman thinks about why mental health is important

Why Mental Health Is Important

Numerous mental illnesses wreak havoc on every aspect of people’s lives. In fact, research shows that people who struggle with mental illnesses have trouble managing their overall well-being. Because of that, it’s essential for people to understand how and why mental health is important. What Is Mental Health? In the medical field, psychologists and psychiatrists…

a man considers the relationship between mental health and substance abuse

Why Address Mental Health and Substance Abuse Together?

Maintaining good mental health is essential to overall well-being. Since substance use disorder is a form of mental illness, it only makes sense to address these issues together. However, there’s more to the importance of dealing with mental health and substance abuse than that. Find out more about the connection and the best way to…

a woman agonizes over whether she is having a panic attack vs anxiety attack

Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack: How Are They Different?

In everyday language, the lines blur when talking about panic attack vs anxiety attack. In reality, there are distinct differences. Are you struggling with these types of conditions? Help is possible; here’s what you need to know. Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack A panic attack can happen at any moment. You feel fine. You’re going…

a woman wonders if she has social phobia vs avoidant personality disorder

Social Phobia vs Avoidant Personality Disorder: What’s the Difference?

It’s hard to tell the difference between social phobia and avoidant personality disorder without a proper diagnosis. However, the two conditions can be very different from one another. Comparing social phobia vs avoidant personality disorder, however, isn’t helpful unless you’re also getting mental health care. The good news is that both conditions can improve with…