Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. The National Institute of Mental Health found that over 17 million adults dealt with a major depressive episode in the last year. Additionally, many people struggle with ongoing depression. It is estimated that close to 15 percent of Americans will deal with depression sometime in their lifetime. When depression strikes or if it’s a regular battle, you need the aid of a depression clinic in Houston. Houston depression clinics ease the symptoms of depression and give you the resources you need for long-term relief.
What is Clinical Depression?
Everyone feels down now and again. In fact, it’s common to have days when you feel like dragging your feet. Maybe a life-changing event has made you feel sad. That’s normal. Everyone experiences high and low emotions due to changing circumstances. However, clinical depression interferes with your everyday life, and it’s different than feeling down.
Some of the main things that distinguish clinical depression from just having a “down” day are if the depression is long lasting or chronic, and when it’s more severe. It may be so severe that you find it difficult to go to work, clean the house, get up in the morning, and so on.
Clinical depression also interferes with relationships because the person affected doesn’t want to interact with others. Depression causes withdrawal and isolation, which impacts close relationships.
How Do I Know if I Have Depression?
You may be wondering if you have clinical depression. These are common symptoms (keep in mind these will be more chronic and severe):
- Feeling sadness, loneliness, and emptiness
- Loss of interest in things you used to find pleasurable
- Trouble with sleeping (either sleeping too much or having insomnia)
- Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
- Indecisiveness
- Worthless feelings
Some may also experience:
- Trouble pushing negative thinking from your mind
- Loss of appetite or increased appetite (some people use food when they are depressed, others are too depressed to eat)
- Extreme fatigue
- Suicidal thoughts
If you have some of these symptoms and they are interfering with your life, then you probably are suffering from clinical depression. However, psychiatric treatment has been effective in treating depression, alongside medications that restore the brain’s natural functions.
Treatments at Houston Depression Clinics
If you have depression, then is critical for your well-being to seek help. Several components make up a well-rounded treatment plan. There are self-care activities you can do, but these will be difficult to do without first getting help from a trained clinician. Remember, when you are depressed, you don’t feel like doing anything.
Getting help from a Houston depression clinic is your first step in healing. At PACE Mental Health Houston, we will provide you with a personalized medication management plan as well as a number of therapeutic modalities that treat depression. Some of our evidence-based therapy programs for depression include:
- Psychotherapy
- Trauma therapy
- Holistic therapy
- Mindfulness meditation therapy
- Stress management therapy
Don’t let a mental health disorder interfere with your happiness and plans for the future. Houston depression clinics can help you find a new start in life. Contact us at 866.971.8423, and we’ll walk beside you through your journey to health.